Some of you may think this is a bit of a controversial review, given the nature of the subject matter. And up until recently you *could* to some degree have had a valid point. But taking into consideration that very recently, the US Department of Health has confirmed that cannabis CAN kill cancer cells, it makes sense that someone should create the “Medical Cannabis Playing Cards”, showcasing various cannabis strains and their effects. Funding is live on Kickstarter right now, so get over to the project page and show them your support.

Cannabis Sativa Plant
On its website, The National Cancer Institute (part of the US Department of Health) said: “Laboratory and animal studies have shown that cannabinoids (the active ingredient in cannabis) may be able to kill cancer cells while protecting normal cells. They may inhibit tumour growth by causing cell death, blocking cell growth, and blocking the development of blood vessels needed by tumours to grow.”
While it has to be stressed that so far there has been no such claim made about treating cancer cells in humans, and that various cancer charities are treating this news with caution, it also has to be noted that the laws against the use of marijuana have been relaxed or amended not just in many US states but also in some countries around the world. I’m not making any major medical statements here, I’m just going to tell you about this deck in the same way as I’d tell you about a deck of unsolved murders without advocating going out and killing someone….

Medical Cannabis Playing Cards
This deck is the brainchild of Mike Mikolajczyk and his wife Brenda of Philadelphia, PA. Brenda is described in their bio as a “compassionate registered nurse”. So I’m guessing that she has dealt with and treated many patients who she knows, in some way or another, could benefit from the use of medical marijuana. It must be very hard for someone who has dedicated their life to helping people in pain to have to sit back and watch them suffer when there is something out there that could help ease the suffering, if it was only legal… Mike describes himself as a “Libertarian, and a champion for those without a voice” and he says that “we hope this project will help bring more awareness to both the benefits of medical marijuana as well as the need for more research.”