Spanish illustrator/graphic design artist Victoria Francés was a mere 22 years old when she published her first book of works entitled ‘Favole 1 – Stone Tears’ in 2003. This was followed up with ‘Favole 2 – Libera Me (Set Me Free) and Favole 3 – Frozen Light. Artwork from all three of these books is featured within this fantastic deck of playing cards.

Bicycle ‘Favole’ Playing Cards by Victoria Francés
Her work is heavily influenced by gothic Romanticism and pre-Raphaelite paintings. Images of vampires and eerie castles as well as tomb stones and moonlit woods adorn each beautiful card. Not to everyone’s taste, admittedly, but with the current obsession with anything ‘vampirish’ or gothic these cards definitely have a widespread appeal. In fact, you could have seen her work on posters and even as jigsaws.

Bicycle ‘Favole’ Jokers by Victoria Francés
Every card features a different work of art, which I personally love about the deck. There are 52 cards plus 2 Jokers and one Extra card (to me that’s 3 Jokers), and because each one is different you can forgive the backs of the cards for being a tad, let’s say, boring. But that’s my only criticism. There are no gaff cards and no hidden reveals – this pack literally doesn’t need any such gimmicks.

Bicycle ‘Favole’ 2 of Spades, by Victoria Francés
This is a deck that truly needs to be seen to be properly appreciated. I usually play at least one or two hands of cards with each of my good decks – just to show them off you understand – but this is a deck I don’t think I’d ever play with. Just in case someone handled it too roughly. In fact, this is a deck that I’d love to have an uncut sheet of, but I don’t think they’re available. What I’ll probably end up doing is framing the whole deck. Yes, they really are that stunning.
Of course this deck, being made by USPCC on Bicycle card stock, won’t let you down on quality. They handle just as you would expect from any Bicycle deck and so could be used not only in gameplay but also as part of a magician’s set, or illusionists routine.
I am happy to fully recommend the Bicycle Favole deck.
Where to buy your deck of Bicycle Favole Playing Cards:
Currently available from Amazon.co.uk so grab them while you can!!
Also available from Amazon.com – Click HERE
For a wide range of Victoria Francés products including calendars, books, posters and jigsaw puzzles click HERE for Amazon.co.uk or HERE for Amazon.com

…An absolutely exquisite collection! I was hugely impressed with these Favole card designs. They are stunning. I’ve actually never heard of this artist so it was great to come across this site and learn a thing or two. These cards are right up my ally as I’m all for Gothic art and have a deep love of Vampirism/Gothic horror.
Thanks for this fantastic review!!
These are interesting pieces of playing card, they appear like it tells a story of its own. Also am sure the rules will simplify like you are playing a game. I am interested in these playing cards for the sake of curiosity. The dark clowns feel weird but weird is alright as long as its not Quija. lol
This truly is a fantastic deck of playing cards! I love the dark expressionistic clown figures. I think this deck would make a great movie prop when the steam punk style characters are playing poker, for example. I’ve seen a few cool decks like this one. Is this a new trend for real card players to own their own stylized cards?
The general rule of playing cards these days Michael is that there are no rules… :):):) Some people just like to play cards – and any deck that’s good to handle will do just fine. Some like to perform magic tricks, some do card flourishes, some like to collect to open them and show them off, and some like to collect to keep in their cellophane wrapper and put away until they double in value to be sold on to the next collector. Any of these people can (and do) design their own decks to launch on the likes of Kickstarter. Some are VERY successful (Stockholm17 is a favourite) some, just don’t mut the custard if you get me…. :D
Thanks for your comment. This is definitely one of my favourite decks because the artwork is just SO perfect. :)
wow..I am not really a fan of cards but this deck of cards looks really cool, given the images at the front of the cards.
And just like you said in your article the love for vampirish like stuff is on the rise. And same here, I really enjoy vampire related stuff.
They really look cool
Thanks Fidel. They are a stunning set of cards for sure. One of my favourites :)
Wow, the artwork on the cards is truly amazing. I think I’d get distracted looking at the cards illustrations rather than playing. It’s funny you said the favole playing card would appeal vampire and Gothic enthusiasts because I was thinking the same thing. I’m not one of those but I admire the work, so much so that I don’t think I’d be playing with them. Maybe buy a second set and cherish it while I’d use the other. If I were you and collect such beautiful playing cards, I would want any one ruining them. “You can’t touch, just look!”. Ahahah. How do you keep them from being overused or misused?
That’s easy Ana – I don’t use them :) You’re absolutely right. There are cards for looking at and keeping good, and there are cards for playing endless games of cards with. Sometimes, during a poker night at my house, I’ll bring out a really nice deck for playing ONE hand with – just for the fun of it. They always get people talking, and you’re right too when you say these could be distracting – people tend to show each other what cards they have to compare the artwork, giving away their hands :D Not much use in a poker game :D
This is a really cool looking deck! It makes me want to get an awesome deck. I’ll have to check out the rest of your site see if any of the decks suit my style perfectly.
Nice review on this deck, I really like the artwork, especially the extra card!
I wonder how much a deck like this costs?
Thanks – it’s one of my favourites. You can get these on eBay or Amazon for around five or six pounds, delivery included.