Gaelic Games Playing Cards by OneGaelic – Coming SOON to Kickstarter!

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by Jyl – 11th April 2024

Click HERE to be taken to the pre-launch page and sign up for notifications. Let’s make this deck happen!!

Grab your chance to own a deck or two of these fun, colourful, informative, and just simply amazing playing cards!

I am so happy to let you all know that after many, many, many years of collecting playing cards, and writing reviews on other designers’ decks, I have finally got round to designing a deck of playing cards of my own.

Gaelic Games Playing Cards does what it says on the tin (or tuck box if you’re fussy…). It’s a deck inspired by, and in honour of, the ancient sports of Ireland – Hurling, Camogie, Gaelic Football, and Ladies Gaelic Football.

This deck will be launched on Kickstarter SOON – so click on this link to get notified on launch!

Each suit represents a different sport, and I’ve taken the all-time 13 top performing Irish Counties in those and assigned them to a card. The Ace of each suit have been the most successful, having won more titles and being runners up in more finals.

Some Counties are represented 4 times, some 3, some twice or once, and some, unfortunately, don’t appear at all. But that’s not to say they won’t appear in future versions of the deck.

I have decided to showcase the jerseys in each sport, having replicated the latest version of each one, and added the County name, sport, nickname and year of foundation, sports equipment used, and also the County name and sport in Irish. The background of each card is an aerial view of a Gaelic pitch, bled out to the edge as I felt that a white border didn’t suit the style of the cards.

Gaelic Games Playing Cards by OneGaelic

The tuck box design has all the included Counties (though not necessarily each sport, as this would have taken up too much room), and the card backs are in Irish green and white, which are the colours of the Irish National teams in pretty much all sports including rugby, football (soccer), athletics, boxing, etc. Hurls, sliotars (hurling/camogie balls), footballs, football gloves, and hurling helmets go to make up the two-way back design. This does have a white border as it’s more practical for actual game-play.

The Suits

Here’s How You Can Help…

Right now, this deck doesn’t physically exist… it is simply saved as files on my laptop – bringing it to life is what the Kickstarter campaign will hopefully help me to achieve. The plan is to launch on Kickstarter in the coming weeks, but in the meantime I’m trying to get the word out there as best I can through social media.

So I’d appreciate any and all help that I can get. If you’re willing, I’d love it if you could ‘like’ and ‘share’ my Facebook Page and Instagram Page and of course ‘like’ and ‘share’ any posts I put up about the deck. The more exposure the better. Also, please go to my Kickstarter pre-launch page and sign up for notification on launch – it makes a huge difference to the publicity KS will give my campaign.

And I’ll be doing deck giveaways, so you could be the proud owner of a deck of Gaelic Games Playing Cards without having to buy them :)

Please do leave any and all comments you may have in the section below, and thank you for reading this far :)

Jyl April 2024

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30 thoughts on “Gaelic Games Playing Cards by OneGaelic – Coming SOON to Kickstarter!

  1. Matthias

    Hey Jyl,

    This article on Gaelic Games Playing Cards by OneGaelic is brimming with enthusiasm and creativity, offering a fresh take on traditional playing cards. Here’s why it’s such a positive and exciting venture:

    Celebrating Irish Culture: By honoring the ancient sports of Ireland like Hurling, Camogie, Gaelic Football, and Ladies Gaelic Football, these cards pay homage to a rich cultural heritage. It’s a wonderful way to showcase and share these sports with a wider audience, both within Ireland and beyond.

    Unique Design: The incorporation of Gaelic sports themes into the design of the cards adds a unique and vibrant touch. From the representation of different Irish counties to showcasing jerseys and sports equipment, each card tells a story and celebrates the diversity within Gaelic games.

    Attention to Detail: The level of detail put into each card, from replicating the latest versions of sports jerseys to including information about each county’s history and sporting achievements, demonstrates a deep appreciation for Gaelic sports and the communities that support them.

    Kickstarter Launch: The anticipation of the upcoming Kickstarter launch adds an element of excitement and community involvement. It offers enthusiasts the opportunity to support a passion project and be part of bringing it to life.

    Inclusivity: While some counties may not be represented in the initial deck, the mention of potential future versions hints at inclusivity and the possibility of expanding representation in subsequent editions. This shows a commitment to recognizing the breadth of Gaelic sports culture.

    Overall, the Gaelic Games Playing Cards project is not only a creative endeavor but also a celebration of Irish identity and sporting heritage. It’s bound to resonate with fans of Gaelic games and playing card enthusiasts alike, fostering a sense of pride and connection to these beloved sports.

    1. Jyl Post author

      Matthias, thank you so much for this comment – I love it. You’ve completely understood what I’m trying to do with these cards. It is much appreciated :):):)

  2. Troy Blanchard

    Hi there

    Many thanks for your article

    A very beautiful display of pictures which brings the passion for playing cards and Gaelic sports together in Gaelic Games Playing Cards! It’s evident that your years of dedication and expertise in collecting and reviewing playing cards have culminated in this exciting endeavor.

    I like your mention that the concept of representing different Irish sports through the suits, with each card showcasing the top-performing counties and their unique attributes, is both innovative and captivating. Your attention to detail, from replicating the jerseys to including essential information about each county and sport, truly enhances the authenticity of the deck.

    This makes for a very good learning experience.

    Thanks again.

  3. Michel

    Well done on designing your own set of playing cards and I am sure that many sports enthusiasts will love to own this set. 

    I must say you are the first person that I have heard of that collects playing cards, and looking into it further there are certainly a lot of different decks available. I think I am going to get one of them just to spice up our card-playing sessions.

  4. Sara Tadros

    Hey Jyl, 

    I really am so thrilled to see the upcoming Gaelic Games Playing Cards launch. The idea of honoring Gaelic sports through such a distinctive medium is fantastic. I am curious, though, about:

    How did you decide which players and sports to include on the cards? 

    Are there any intentions to incorporate instructional components regarding the guidelines or background of the games on the cards or packaging as well? 

    It might be a great way to combine the enjoyment of card games with the education of Gaelic sports! Anticipating the launch with excitement.

    1. Jyl Post author

      Hi Sara, and thank you for your comment and questions, which I will now answer…

      The teams that appear in the deck are the all-time top performing Counties in Ireland at each sport. So for example, while Limerick are the reigning 4-time champions in Hurling in Ireland, they are not the Ace as Kilkenny have simply won more titles overall, so they get that honour.

      I won’t be including any game-play instructions in the deck, no. Mainly because the deck is aimed at players and supporters of the games, so they will already know the rules. But also because the tuck box is a certain size that will hold only a certain number of cards – 52 + 2 Jokers. I would need several extra cards in the box to give all that information, and the box just doesn’t have the room.

      If you’re interested in any of the games’ rules you can click on the links I’ve provided in the post – this will take you to the Wiki pages of each and will explain all the rules. Hope this helps. And thank you!

  5. Tom


    My brother lives in Donegal and I haven’t spoken to him for ages. This could be a great idea that I share this article with him, and it could be a way for him and I to start talking to each other again.

    I will let you know what he thinks and I will encourage my brother to share this article with his Irish friends etc, and if they have any questions for you then to comment. If that is OK with you?

    Thank you for sharing and keep up the amazing work.

    All the best,


    1. Jyl Post author

      Thank you Tom, yes that would be fantastic – it’s all about getting the word out there before launch, so if you’d let your brother know, I’d really appreciate that :)
      I also love the idea that the two of you could get back in touch because of this deck. That makes my wee Irish heart smile :)

  6. Stacie

    This is a really cool idea, and so many people collect playing cards and combining playing cards with sports is an awesome idea. I have some decks that are ancient, but I love them and will hopefully not have to give them up anytime soon.

    I would like to see decks dedicated to each sport featuring the four counties that have the strongest teams. Just a thought. I will be helping the launch and support of this as I find this to be creatively fantastic!


    1. Jyl Post author

      Thank you Stacie – yes, I have more plans for future decks to incorporate more Clubs. Watch this space!!

  7. Jeff Brown

    Thank you for taking the time to write this article, I enjoyed reading it and learning about Gaelic games playing cards.

    I am extremely impressed with this deck of unique games playing cards. They sound to be a great gift for anyone into Gaelic and playing card games.

    The suits are unique and interesting, You are very creative, creating this unique deck of cards, I was a little disappointed to read they don’t physically exist at this time.

    Thank you for sharing this, I do wish the best with your unique deck of cards


    1. Jyl Post author

      They may not exist right now Jeff, but hopefully I will get the funding I need from my Kickstarter campaign to get them in production and out there. Thank you for your comment!!

  8. FerdieDelima

    These Gaelic Games playing cards look fantastic! The combination of fun, colorful design and informative content is a great idea, especially for anyone wanting to learn more about Gaelic games in a unique way.

    I’m curious about the “informative” aspect – will the cards have gameplay instructions or interesting facts about the history of Gaelic games?

    Knowing more details about the content and gameplay options would definitely help me decide if I want to back the Kickstarter campaign. Looking forward to learning more!

    1. Jyl Post author

      Thanks for your comment. As these cards are aimed at existing Gaelic players and supporters, including tooooo much extra info on the cards would have taken away from the purpose of them – to play card games and have fun with family and friends. 

      The ‘informative’ aspect comes from the extra details on each card – the County name and sport in Irish, and the County nicknames and founding dates on each card. If you’re interested in learning about any or all of the sports you can click on the links within the article that take you to the Wiki page for each. Happy reading! :) :) :) 

  9. Dee J.

    This is such an interesting concept for designs on playing cards. It is certainly unique! My favorite part is that you have extended the deck to incorporate different sports and 13 of the top Counties. As a collector of playing cards, I can only imagine how exciting this is for you. Will look out for more updates as you continue your campaign.


    1. Jyl Post author

      Thank you Dee – I hope you’ll consider pledging for a deck when I launch on Kickstarter..? I appreciate your comments, thank you!!

  10. Jake Devins

    Hey I just wanted to wish you luck in your campaign and I am going to go and share this post and I will subscribe to your channel if you have one on YouTube I think that you will succeed in your endeavor you sound like you have the will and I wish you the best of luck.

    1. Jyl Post author

      Thanks Jake – no YouTube channel but I’m on Facebook and Instagram – just search for OneGaelic :)

  11. Lizzy

    I just love playing cards, formerly we were playing a lot of card games, with the brand 999games, and even Colonist of Catan has playing cards, do you know those?
    Anyway, I love the design of Gaelic and I’m looking forward to learn about them more! (are they strategic games?) I hope you will be successful, they look nice!

    1. Jyl Post author

      Hi Lizzy, and thank you for your comment. I’m not familiar with the Colonist of Catan playing cards – I’m more your Poker, Gin Rummy, 21 kind of gal :)
      If you’d like to learn more about the Gaelic sports, just click on the links within the article, and thank me later :D

  12. Scott

    Collecting playing cards seems like a really fun hobby! When we travel, my wife and I often see different playing cards in gift shops. I think they are pretty cool, but my wife says we already have too many decks of cards. I never thought of playing card collections! 

    And wow! You’ve designed your own cards! I am drawn to these because I have a lot of Irish blood in me! Will these be available in the U.S.? 

    1. Jyl Post author

      Hi Scott, first of all, yes!!! Kickstarter is worldwide so you will absolutely be able to pledge for a deck or two once it’s launched. And I have to say, there is no such thing as ‘too many decks of cards’ :D Thanks for your comment :)

  13. kiersti

    This announcement is sure exciting! The idea of Gaelic Games Playing Cards is fascinating and is likely to attract both collectors and players alike. I’m interested to see how the distinctive features of Gaelic sports are integrated into the cards’ design and gameplay. I can’t wait for their Kickstarter launch!

  14. Sariya

    Hey a great post you have here!

    I really like how this is going so far, the plan you have created looks amazing and once the campaign is up and running, there is no doubt the physical game card would be fun!

    I like the idea of how you stated other counties could be included in the deck in the future, that will surely allow new customers to be attracted! This would be interesting to share!

    Thanks again and have a great day!

    1. Jyl Post author

      Thank you for your comment Sariya, I’m really looking forward to getting this out there. I hope you will pledge for a deck or two when it launches! :)

  15. Kerry

    Love it ,can’t wait to have my own set of these amazing cards.
    Will definitely support you on kickstarter.


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