Double Cards – Playing Cards that guarantee a whole new level of fun.

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by Jyl, Wed 13th Feb 2019

Such a simple idea that grabbed me by the scruff of the neck and gave me a darn good shaking!! Double Cards are currently on Kickstarter and I’d highly recommend you pledge for a deck or two, before the campaign ends on 25th March 2019.

Double Cards on Kickstarter NOW

While each card in traditional decks have simply one identity, the cards in the Double Cards deck have two, giving the player the choice between which one best suits their individual hand. It’s so simple but bloody genius! Each corner has one large pip with the alternative showing underneath, and the diagonal corner has them the other way round, so all you have to do is turn your card upside down so you know which one you’re using.

I’m already thinking of how this can affect my regular poker nights, and I can’t wait for the campaign to be funded and I get my deck.

There are some issues however with this deck that would unfortunately make me worry as to whether it would actually get funded or not. The main problem, and this is HUGE for playing card enthusiasts, is that the creator hasn’t named their printer. The reason for this is because they want each and every deck to have a unique combination of identities per card. This being the case, printers such as USPCC or Cartamundi would not agree to print these one-of-a-kind decks – they’re wanting to do a print run of one design, usually with a minimum quantity of well over just one. The only other option is to have the decks printed using a smaller printing company, one that would very likely not be using quality playing card stock. When this happens it negatively affects the playing quality and therefore the enjoyment of the game.

I hope that they reconsider, because after all, who cares whether their deck is exactly the same as Joe Bloggs’ from across the world? Not me. I’d much rather have a great quality deck that’s just the same as everyone else’s.

What are your thoughts on this deck? Would you like to add it to your deck collection? As always, feel free to leave a comment or ask a question below.

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36 thoughts on “Double Cards – Playing Cards that guarantee a whole new level of fun.

  1. Scott Hinkle

    I love this idea! I had never even considered it, yet it adds a whole new level of game play. I can totally see myself trying to figure out my next hand with so many options. Imagine what this could do for my Pai Gow nights :).

    I’m a little torn on the whole unique pack vs having them all be identical. I can see the allure to the true randomness between decks. It’s almost a shame they don’t have an e-paper type of solution where you could put the cards in the pack and they charge and randomize at the same time so each time you open it up, it’s completely new or even allow you to choose your card parings, etc.

    I’m no expert in e-paper but doesn’t it only use electricity to change the display? Maybe they can figure a way to make this happen. I’m sure there are a lot of issues to overcome (thickness), getting 52 cards to communicate with the pack (maybe some sort of conducting ink for power/communication). It was just a thought. I’d drop $100 on such a deck easy.

    Take it up a notch and make both sides of the cards changeable and you can have custom deck designs to choose from.

    Sorry I got off-topic a bit. I love the idea and may have to go back this Kickstarter deal.

    Thank you so much for bringing this to my attention!

    1. Jyl Post author

      Hi Scott and thank you for your comment. You’ve got a great imagination!! :) I haven’t heard of e-paper and I’m intrigued as to the possibilities, especially with a deck of cards like this – you’ve come up with some great ideas. Maybe in the future when the technology has been perfected. I’ll keep an eye out for e-playing cards :) Many thanks for your comment :)

  2. Todd P Matthews

    This is amazing. I’ve never seen a double-identity deck of cards and it would make an epic twist for poker or any kind of card game. This would be awesome if WSOP had a division with decks that bore a double-identity. I would definitelly be playing weekly games if these go mainstream and it would be a blast to both play and watch.

    1. Jyl Post author

      I do love the possibilities offered with this deck. It would be so much fun to sit down to a game of cards knowing that you and everyone else have a choice of 2 different values for each card. I hope they get funded, but it’s not looking likely… they need more backers. Thanks for the comment :)

  3. Ennymatics

    And there you go! A  whole different level unlocked with many possibilities to be explored.Lover of card games would definitely find it interesting. Decks are common but this double card I bet would be something to really look forward to as it’ll likely broaden your thinking horizon. Great and interesting review by the way!

  4. charles39

    This actually very interesting games of cards and I have not seen like these before and one thing I would like to learn is how to this poker and how actually so you win in a normal cards game which side wins.i love the thrill that comes with kind of  card paying game teach me how to play thiis

    1. Jyl Post author

      Poker is as much about memory and skill as it is about luck. But this deck offers much more. It’s just a lot of fun that can also be taken extremely seriously. Get yours here: Thanks for commenting :)

  5. Mira


    Oh wow! I have never seen a deck like this one before! How interesting idea to use double cards! 

    I would definitely like to order at least one deck so I could win my boyfriend even once ;) This could be a great present to my friends also who love to play with cards, like I do.

    Thank you for sharing this fun article! 

  6. Brandbility

    Haha, pardon me if am not very acquainted with these cards. In my country we usually make use of the WHOT cards. Most time when we lay our hands on such cards, we play them as though they are some WHOT game. Money having double Deck Cards, sounds exciting and somewhat difficult to understand how it works at the same time.

    1. Jyl Post author

      It’s really simple. Each card has two possible values. Whichever one you choose to make your hand better. And yes. That’s exciting :) Thank you for your comment.

  7. Kinggold19

    This is actually very good review on this deck. Card games have got a bit more interesting, though I have not heard of Double Cards before but they’re really cool. For most card enthusiasts, this is the real deal as this is going to widen their thinking horizon. This is really a helpful review to this article. Nice job here. Well done. 

    1. Jyl Post author

      Interesting is exactly the word. I can’t wait to get my hands on a deck and get playing with these. If you’d like to pledge for a deck, why not go on over to the Kickstarter page and get yours: Thanks for the comment :)

  8. Nsikakabasi

    I bet with cards but from this post I have a feeling you would beat me if we play each other.

    The double cards would be  one of my favorites cause if you wise enough you could just end the game and win after few more cards.

    I wish for them to be funded immediately despite it being a card game.

    This cards would be a big one at the casino and they would be a lot of people going for the cards.

    1. Jyl Post author

      Aw I think with these cards, anyone can win. There are so many possibilities!! If you’d like a deck why not go over to the Kickstarter page and pledge for a deck? – Come on… help it become a reality :)

  9. Jami

    I’ve never heard about double cards before, but I did play cards a lot. We only just called them cards. Now I’m not that much involved in games like before, and the only reason is that I now have a busy life. But I adore games. These cards look different than the ones I know and very unique. My question is, are cards played the same way worldwide? If so, I will for sure get a pack for myself?

    1. Jyl Post author

      Hi Jami. No, playing card games are different all across the world. But please don’t see this as a bad thing. I love the fact that there are so many variations to card games, with each country having their own rules and even games that are unique to that particular country. You should still get yourself a deck because the fun possibilities are endless. Go on!!! Head over to Kickstarter and pledge for yours:

  10. Jafor Iqbal

    Why i will choice double card for playing?. Hopefully this article is provide great idea about double card. I have not cleared about double card but this article have clarify me about double card. I will share and bookmarking this article for future experience. People should know about that who like play card.

    1. Jyl Post author

      Hi Jafor, thanks for the comment. The whole idea behind this deck is that each card has a dual personality. It’s not *just* one card. It’s two. If you want it to be. It’s like playing with the Joker as a wild card except soooo much better. I’m so excited for this deck, I think I might just pop!!

  11. GVporras

    I personally do not play cards to win money, sometimes I play with my friends just to have a fun time but I like collect poker card and the design of these cards are very great. Did you know what date they will decide if they going to print it or not? I will love to get me a pack.

    Thank you for sharing this great information about this double cards.

    1. Jyl Post author

      Well hello there and thank you for your comment :) Yes, it’s all about the enjoyment, and when that happens then it’s for all the family :)

      Ok, so if the creator reaches their goal target by 25th March 2019 then the deck will go into production. But it can only happen if they get the backers. So head on over to the Kickstarter page and make your pledge. Let’s help make this deck a reality…!!!!! Get yours here:

  12. sanjay

    Wow never heard anything like this so far.I think it quite exciting and I would definitely like to play as well.I love to learn and play new card games when I travel to different part of the world.Your website is a good  learning place for this too. Please keep sharing new games more often.

    1. Jyl Post author

      Well Sanjay I can promise you that I will continue to provide you with amazing decks to play with :)

      Thank you for your comment. This is truly a great deck, and I can’t wait to get mine. But it will only become a reality if it gets funded. Go to Kickstarter and make your pledge here:

  13. phranell86

    It would be fun to learn to play these cards. The cards in my country of origin are quite different from these. Thanks for introducing me to double cards. My family really delights in having a fun time playing cards. Do you think these cards are well-suited to children under the age of 7 years? I love involving everyone while playing games, so if it’s suitable, then I might consider having a pack as a surprise gift to my family.

    I am also just curious why the developers do not consider giving their printing business to a company like Vista. They have been around for as long as I can remember.

    1. Jyl Post author

      Hello there and thank you for your comment :)

      I know that Vista are a large international printing company, but they do not ‘specialise’ in playing card stock. This is very important to the quality of play. The cards should ideally be manufactured by USPCC, Cartamundi, Legends etc. These printers basically print nothing but playing cards and their smoothness is stuff of legends :)

      You can absolutely play with these cards with kids under 7. I myself was taught various card games from a much younger age, haha!! There are so many games to be played and more-so with these Double Cards. It’s a good excuse to get kids away from computer screens and mobile phones.

      Be sure to get your pledge in on the Kickstarter page: Let’s get this deck funded!!

  14. cpanharun

    Hi Jyl,

    Thank you for a very well and informative article about double cards. I’ve heard of the double card long ago but I did not buy it. I found out more about this double card in your article. Can I buy this double card as a package? And what would be a problem for the printing during this card game. I’ll talk to my friends about this double card. I will bookmark your beautiful article. I will share the registration with everyone.

    1. Jyl Post author

      Thank you for sharing! 

      The problem with which printer the creator chooses is the smoothness of the handling. Have you ever got a new deck of playing cards and they’re just sticking together and you can’t even shuffle them properly? That’s because the printer simply printed on basic card and not speciality playing card stock. It’s like those souvenir decks you get in gift shops compared to the Bicycle brand made by USPCC. Test it out. You’ll see. Get on over to the Kickstarter page and pledge for a deck: Thanks for your comment :) 

  15. Emmanuel Buysse

    Great post and good info.

     This is a very interesting deck and a great idea. I can imagine, that for some these cards will be a must have. 

    So I think that around 90 percent of the people will buy this for sure.

    I’ll be sure to follow the link and get mine :)

    Thanks for sharing it! 

    1. Jyl Post author

      Thank you Emmanuel. It’s good to have your support with this, and yes you’re right, the idea of each card having 2 different values definitely does add an extra bit of excitement to every game. Thank you for your comment, it’s much appreciated buddy ;)

  16. Oneal22

    Right From infancy, I had always been really thrilled by Playing cards. The whole thing fascinated me beyond descriptions from a very young age and even now I am even very much more thrilled to learn about double cards, the possibilities are now endless as to enjoying the bliss to poker game offers

    1. Jyl Post author

      I get you :) I’ve been obsessed with playing cards since I was a child – all those little miniature works of art in one deck. Although years ago you just tended to get variations in the backs and on the Jokers, nowadays each and every card can be unique. I love keeping up to date with all the new releases on Kickstarter so make sure you click on the link and get yourself a deck of Double Cards while they’re still active:

  17. Luke

    Hi Jyl, very good and informative article about Double Cards. Actually I never heard for Double Cards but it seems very interesting way of playing. If one card has two identities that definitely changes the rules of a game. I think and I hope that problems about printing these cards won`t have some serious effect on playing quality and for the game. Thanks for sharing with us!

    1. Jyl Post author

      Thanks for your comment Luke. Yeah I always like to throw the Jokers into a game of Poker or Gin Rummy to add that little extra bit of excitement, so this dual identity thingy definitely has my interest. Let’s hope that the creators get a decent printer because I’d hate to see this project fall short… Thanks again :)

  18. faftop

    I love playing cards right from time and adding this to my new collection of deck won’t be a hard decision to make. I overslept the simplicity of your blog, and your write ups, short informative and precise.

    I will be bookmarking this page right away, and I’m more of articles like this.


    1. Jyl Post author

      Thanks for your comment! Don’t forget to get over to Kickstarter and pledge for a deck or two: They won’t get made if the target isn’t achieved. Thank you for your interest in my page too, it’s much appreciated. Have a great day :)


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