Medieval Playing Cards by EPC & Egor Klyuchnyk

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Medieval KickstarterBased on the works of the great master Diego Velázquez, and hand-drawn to look like some of the very earliest styles of playing cards, ‘Medieval’ are the latest deck to come to you from Elephant Playing Cards, along with Egor Klyuchnyk of Anomaly World Studio fame. Previous EPC successes were the amazing Prism: Night, Pipmen, and Pipmen Shadow Edition decks, while AWS are famous for their ‘Demon’  and ‘Strange Head Society’ decks.

Medieval Playing Cards

Medieval Playing Cards

Medieval Playing Cards are available in two editions – the Silver Unlimited Edition and the Gold Limited Edition. The Silver edition is up for funding right now on Kickstarter and the Gold edition will only be released if the pledge level of $15,000 USD is achieved. It’s definitely one worth aiming for as only 1000 of the Gold edition will ever be produced.

Medieval Playing Cards Gold Edition Courts

Medieval Playing Cards Gold Edition Courts

Medieval Playing Cards Spades Courts

Medieval Playing Cards Spades Courts

Inspired by fearless Knights, severe Lords and gorgeous Queens of the Medieval era, the court cards feature a one-way design, which was the norm for the earliest decks of playing cards. The ‘face’ cards depicted nobility and as such they were shown in all their finery. The stunning back, however, is a two-way design which completely reflects the lavish artwork of the Medieval years. Naturally, this makes this deck perfect for collectors and magicians/cardists alike.

Medieval Playing Cards Gold & Silver Backs

Medieval Playing Cards Gold & Silver Backs

In helping to create the illusion of medieval card play, the cards will be printed by Legends Playing Card Company on their Robusto card stock, which is thicker than the usual and will give a feel of genuine Medieval card playing. The imitation red wax-style seal is another clever little way of helping to transport us back in time while playing with this deck. While the tuck flap can be tucked behind the seal to keep the deck closed, it can also be tucked back into the box as with ‘normal’ playing cards, so there’s no problems with wear and tear. If you should so choose, of course. I quite like the wax seal tuck, so I’ll be using that on mine :)

Medieval Playing Cards Tuck Box

Medieval Playing Cards Tuck Box with Red Wax Style Seal

There has been a lot of attention to detail in this deck, and you can get a closer look at this by going over to the Kickstarter project page and clicking on the photos for higher resolution images. It is truly a stunning deck and it’s easy to see that a lot of time and effort was put into getting it just right. For example, each suit has its very own unique coat of arms printed in the background of the cards, as befitting the individual noble families of the time.

Medieval Playing Cards Coat of Arms Suits

Medieval Playing Cards Coat of Arms Suits

Even the very Jokers depict a brave Knight fighting a fearsome griffin!! I wonder who wins….

Medieval Playing Cards Jokers

Medieval Playing Cards Jokers

The ‘Medieval Playing Cards’ by Elephant Playing Cards and Egor Klyuchnyk are live on Kickstarter right now, so if you’d like to grab yourself a deck or two, get on over to the project page and make your pledge. Uncut sheets are also available for both editions which look amazing. I’m telling you, uncut sheets make for an amazing piece of wall art and are a sure-fire conversation piece at parties. They’re almost always very limited in number so these can be a real investment.

Medieval Playing Cards Uncut Sheets

Medieval Playing Cards Uncut Sheets

This project has only been live for under an hour and already there are 28 backers eager to get their hands on these beautifully hand-drawn cards – don’t miss out!!

As always, any questions or comments are most welcome, just use the box below and let me know what you think. And if you like this post, please feel free to share it on your social media using the buttons at the end. Many thanks for reading.

In the meantime, I’ll leave you with some more images from the deck. Enjoy…!!

Medieval Playing Cards Hearts Pips

Medieval Playing Cards Hearts Pips

Medieval Playing Cards Clubs Courts

Medieval Playing Cards Clubs Courts

Medieval Playing Cards Diamonds Courts

Medieval Playing Cards Diamonds Courts

Medieval Playing Cards Spades Pips

Medieval Playing Cards Spades Pips

Medieval Playing Cards Gold & Silver Edition Decks

Medieval Playing Cards Gold & Silver Edition Decks

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8 thoughts on “Medieval Playing Cards by EPC & Egor Klyuchnyk

  1. Buxton Deporter

    I’m not a collector, though I’ve always admired card art from playing cards to Tarot.
    I would bet that this collection will go forward and be quite popular!
    The details remind me of etchings and they are quite lovely. I can see an appreciation of the art of the time has gone into these designs.

    1. Jyl Post author

      Thank you for your comment. The Medieval deck does have a look of etchings about it you’re right. It’s almost totally funded, you should go and grab yourself a deck or two :)

  2. Matt's Mom

    These Medieval Playing Cards look awesome. As a family, we love to play games and being German, card games are the best. I love the design and I love the box. Almost too pretty to use or play with. This is a great gift idea for my son, who also love various different types of card games.

    1. Jyl Post author

      Thank you :) You’re right. Card games are great fun. There are just so many games you can play with that little box of cards that you’d never get bored. Everyone of all ages can join in. And there are no computer games or wi-fi needed. Let me know if you get your son a deck and what you think of them if you DO decide to play with them :)

  3. Yvonne

    The illustrations on these cards look very detailed and intricate. I’m not sure if I would play with them if I have them. I’ll probably play with it once or twice and then keep them.

    I like the look of the wax seal tuck too. Clever! I see that they are very nearly funded already – brilliant!

    1. Jyl Post author

      Thanks Yvonne, yes they are very detailed. If you click on any of the images on the KS page you can get a higher resolution image to see just how much work has gone into them. Why not get yourself a deck or two? :)

  4. Owain

    It looks like there’s a lot of work that has been put into these cards. They are truly a work of art. Would anyone want to play with these at all? Or just put them away and keep them in pristine condition? I would love to see your whole collection on the site. I bet it would be amazing to see.

    1. Jyl Post author

      Thanks Owain, they are very detailed aren’t they? All hand-drawn courts and Jokers. I have to admit that these would be a deck that I’d have to keep as good as possible, although I do always like to play a hand or two of cards with every new deck. The Robusto card stock is something I’d like to get a feel of too, so maybe I’ll crack these open and have a bit of a play – it would be rude not to! :)


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