Prism: Day & Dusk. Now Live on Kickstarter.

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Prism Day and Dusk Playing Cards

Prism Day and Dusk Playing Cards

Around about this time last year I was getting my knickers in a twist about a fantastic new deck of playing cards by Ben Jones of Elephant Playing cards. That deck was Prism: Night and it had me all a quiver. Not only was the deck one of the most colourfully stunning decks that I had ever seen, but the extra POW! of the gloss ink just made it stand out from the rest of the offerings on Kickstarter. (Read my review HERE.)

Prism Night Jokers

Prism Night Jokers

I made my pledge, got my decks and even got me an uncut sheet which Ben very (VERY) kindly signed for me. It’s absolutely stunning and I’ll be getting it framed and up on my wall within the next few weeks. For SURE. {Photos to follow, I promise}. I was worried, I have to admit, about the handling quality of the deck because of the extra gloss ink. But I needn’t have. They handle so smoothly and they are just a pleasure to hold and work with.

Prism Day Dusk Unique Gloss Layer

Prism Day Dusk Unique Gloss Layer

Favourite tipples of Irish playing card collectors

Favourite tipples of Irish playing card collectors

Usually, when I get a new deck of cards, I like to play a hand or two with them when I’m having a poker night at my place. You know the scene. Friends. Family {including my 75 year old Mum Cathy, and my 74 year old Aunt Sheila}. A few (in the loosest sense of the word) drinks. A few nibbles. A LOT of craic. And of course, a wee bit of gambling…… But….. My Mum wouldn’t play with Prism: Night. She said she couldn’t. I think she was afraid of breaking them, or getting a smudge on them, or hurting them in some way. But she was gob-smacked by them. I quite liked her reaction. And I think Ben would have liked it too, I don’t think he would have been at all offended. She nearly fell off her chair when I showed her the uncut sheet!! It’s just…. well… one of those decks..!

If you fancy bagging yourself a deck of the Night playing cards, just click on this link.

Prism Night, Dusk and Day Playing Cards

Prism Night, Dusk and Day Playing Cards

Anyways, back to the subject of THIS review – Prism Day & Dusk Playing Cards. As the name suggests, these are the natural follow-on decks from Prism: Night and they make up a stunning trilogy of decks that you will want to own. Repeat. You will WANT to own. The creators have posted a huge amount of images on their Kickstarter page, so I’m going to use as many of them as I feasibly can in this post. So for those of you who think I use too many images – tough! and for those who want to see more images in my posts – this is for you!! :D Basically, these decks speak for themselves, they don’t really need me harping on.

Prism Day Numbers Faces

Prism Day Numbers Faces

Prism Dusk Numbers Faces

Prism Dusk Numbers Faces

While the principal idea behind Prism: Night was the colour spectrum created by shining a white light through a prism on a pure black background, accentuated with the gloss ink I mentioned, Prism: Day comprises the same full colour on a pure white background, while the background on Prism: Dusk is that fantastic visual spectacle of the sky just between day and night (dusk) that you see (if you’re lucky) from high above the earth during a night flight. I witnessed this on a flight back to Northern Ireland from Australia many MANY years ago and it left me breathless.

Prism Dusk Backs Fan

Prism Dusk Backs Fan

These two decks go to complete a trilogy of some of the most spectacular playing cards I’ve ever seen. And if you help get the pledge level up high enough, you can also get a 3X Display Case, which will not only keep your precious decks in pristine condition, but will also act as a perfect way to show off your great taste in playing cards.

Prism Day Dusk 3X Display Case

Prism Day Dusk 3X Display Case

There are only 6 days left for you to get in on the funding of these two decks. Mostly, when I’m writing a review on decks on Kickstarter, I’m going by the design, the colours, and the manufacturers that the creators have chosen to make the decks. I am almost never able to vouch for the quality of the end product because…. well… they haven’t been made yet…. But since Prism Night has already been successfully funded and I’ve got the decks and uncut in my sticky little mitts, I CAN actually vouch for the quality of the Prism Day and Dusk decks – even before they’ve been made! These will be spectacular playing cards, and a fantastic addition to any collection, or even better, a brilliant way to start up a new hobby of collecting playing cards :)

Detail on Prism Day and Dusk Pips

Detail on Prism Day and Dusk Pips

Getting your hands on these decks couldn’t be simpler. Just click on this link to be brought to the Kickstarter page and decide which tier you want to pledge for.

Remember, I always love to hear what you think of my reviews, so please feel free to add a comment or question in the box below. Oh, and thank you for reading my first review in MONTHS….!! It’s been a long time coming :)

Here are a load more images of the decks to help you make up your minds, but I am very happy to say that I can stand by the quality of the finished product – you will NOT be disappointed.

Prism Day & Dusk Courts

Prism Day & Dusk Courts

Prism Day with Gloss Layer

Prism Day with Gloss Layer

Prism Dusk with Gloss Layer

Prism Dusk with Gloss Layer

Prism Day & Dusk Jokers

Prism Day & Dusk Jokers

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22 thoughts on “Prism: Day & Dusk. Now Live on Kickstarter.

  1. Hilton

    Wow. Glowing, EDM-inspired playing cards. I’ve always been interested in cards that were like this. They look like something you should play at a rave. I love shiny, colorful things, so I may get something like this just to have, even though I’d never play with it.

    On your site, will you be reviewing / discussing other types of cards? Like Magic cards or other card games that aren’t the traditional 52-style card deck?

    1. Jyl Post author

      Hi Hilton. Yes, I will be extending my reviews to incorporate all kinds of decks. My problem is that there are so many amazing decks of even just the traditional 52 style decks that I just don’t have the time to cover, so I don’t know how I’m going to get round to doing decks like Tarot or trick decks etc. But I hope to get doing that soon.

      I get what you mean about the Prism decks, the colours are way out there aren’t they? :D And believe me, they are even more eye catching in the flesh. You should go over to the Kickstarter page and pledge for a deck or two – there’s not long left! :)

  2. Matt

    Those are some pretty amazing playing cards! I really love the way they look, the bright colors are beautiful….almost too beautiful to play with!

    Thanks for posting about this, I would have never known about them without reading this!

    You mentioned kickstarter, are the cards in production now? Where would someone get them?

    1. Jyl Post author

      Thanks for your comment Matt. Kickstarter is a crowdfunding platform. The creators of Prism Day and Dusk have launched the decks on KS as a means to help them raise the funds that they will need to get the decks in production, so no, they’re not available right now. If you wanted to help to raise the money to have them made, and get yourself a deck or three in the process, just click over to their Kickstarter page and pledge. It’s really easy to do and it will be well worth it I promise!! Let me know if you do decide to pledge :)

  3. Jason

    This I WANT! Actually it’s more like I wish I had it.
    I don’t really know if I would even play with these considering how much they cost and how careless people can be when drinking.
    I might consider getting the uncut sheet just for the wall frame, that will probably be really cool. In the end, its just a mind blowing product that just says TAKE MY MONEY.
    This is so cool, I never thought about a niche like this even exists, now I might even look further into other decks like this? Or maybe this is the only one of its kind at the moment. Really Cool Stuff!

    1. Jyl Post author

      These are definitely very unique playing cards Jason, but don’t forget that you can buy the first in the trilogy – Prism Night – from EPC’s website (just click on the link in my review). I agree with you in that this isn’t a deck you want your drunk friends to wreck…. but this is more a deck to be kept and savoured. The uncut would be a fantastic piece of art. But remember that both the uncut sheets and the decks are limited edition, so that’s why they’re more expensive than your ordinary, run of the mill, playing cards. Worth every penny though. I can promise you that. Let me know if you do decide to pledge for a deck or an uncut – there are only a few days left!!! :) Thanks for your comment Jason :)

  4. Angela


    I never knew people collected decks of cards and I have to say this is a very interesting site that really describes the beautiful designed and your passion for this hobby
    I do like the way you fanned out the cards and no you do not have too many pictures on here. Thanks for sharing

    1. Jyl Post author

      Thanks Angela, but I can’t take credit for the fantastic photos in my review – that has to go to Elephant Playing Cards :) But I agree, I think there definitely aren’t too many photos of this deck. Stunning isn’t it? :)

  5. David

    I’m glad I came across your site as I love different playing cards. I’m more of a ‘classic’ or ‘vintage’ card person. I don’t collect but I love playing cards ( poker) and have always loved the different look of various decks.
    I really like the Prism cards. Not only beautiful and stunning to see, they are very unique…especially with the lined texture.
    One problem I have when playing with a very different deck is quick card recognition. Even a fairly standard deck will throw me off slightly if, say, the card number an suit are printed smaller than standard.
    Do the darker Prism cards take a bit to get used to when playing?

    1. Jyl Post author

      To be honest David, no they don’t. I totally get what you mean though. I do have a lot of decks that aren’t exactly suitable for playing with, they’re more for the novelty. Whether the pips are smaller/larger than normal, or whether they are way too far away from the corners etc. That type of deck can be confusing to play the likes of poker with. But with Prism Night (and I’m sure it’ll be the same with Dusk) the pips are a good easy-to-see size. The colours of course are different – blue for spades and clubs, and orangy-red for diamonds and hearts) but you get used to that straight away. Sure, why don’t you get yourself a deck and let me know what you think…? :) Thanks for your comment :)

  6. Anthony Little

    This is really awesome these card are amazing, Love the color, and I thought there was just regular old playing card out there but sad mistaking, What beautiful sets, You surely know a lot about playing cards, Keep up the good work and Thanks for fabulous information.

    1. Jyl Post author

      Thank you Anthony for your comment. It’s true :) Long gone are the days of boring old regular playing cards, and these are the perfect example. Take a peek at the Kickstarter page and get yourself a deck or two – you won’t regret it!! :)

  7. Julius

    Hello, I just recently accidentally stumbled upon your website, and I love it! It seems that you really know what you are talking about. I Absolutely love these cards! This is definitely not something you can see every day. I especially like the design of Dusk! It would be nice to have that deck.

    Thank you for the nice review!

    1. Jyl Post author

      Thanks Julius. Aren’t they a fantastic deck of cards? Very striking and the colours are great. The gloss ink isn’t something that you often see on playing cards even these days with all the new designs out there. Why not go over to the Kickstater page and pledge for a deck or two? There’s only a few days left so get moving!! :)

  8. Sam

    This stuff is cool crazy yo! the principles involved are so “out of the box”, and creative. How much would I need to pay for a set? I remember good times, like the one’s you’ve mentioned. You know, honestly, I believe that experiences like these make life worth living! To good times, fine art, and great craic!

    1. Jyl Post author

      Hi Sam, you sure can’t beat a bit of craic!!! Thanks for your comment, yes this deck is definitely not like anything else you’ve ever seen. You can grab yourself a deck for $13 (USD) or 2 decks for $33. I’m not sure what the postage would be, but you can get that on the Kickstarter page. This might seem a little steep for a deck of cards but remember – they are a limited edition which makes them desirable and valuable. Plus, what a talking point!! Slainté!! :)

  9. Lee

    Hi, I never new that these types of playing cards existed, they look fantastic. i have only seen the basic cards and now i know about these i am going to look a bit more into this as they would make great gifts for some people i know.

    Thanks for putting this site up

    1. Jyl Post author

      Hello Lee. Yes, there are so many more different playing cards out there that no one expects to see, and they are stunning. It’s a great idea to give a deck to someone as a gift – especially a limited edition deck. The ‘ordinary’ decks just don’t compare anymore :D Thanks for your comment!

  10. Arta


    What an interesting hobby you have! And what a nice looking cards. I think I also would be afraid of playing with such cards, just as your mom :)

    But when looking at these stunning playing cards, I was just wondering – isn’t it hard to play with cards like these?

    How many decks do you have in your collection? It seems to be very interesting hobby :)

    1. Jyl Post author

      Hi Arta. Don’t be put off – these cards are really easy to play with. They are very smooth and the gloss ink doesn’t interfere with your playing pleasure at all. But yes, I can understand why my Mum wouldn’t want to play with them. She sees them as a special deck, one that you’d have to wear white gloves while you’re playing with them, haha!

      As for how many decks I have…… I honestly have no idea, I’ve never counted… But needless to say I’m adding to my collection every day and I love it!! :)

  11. Diana Worley

    These cards are fantastic! It looks like you help people raise money to produce them. Do you design them as well? These cards are especially clever, and the artwork is stellar!

    At this point, is the kickstarter the only place these can be purchased or have any of these reached stores yet?

    1. Jyl Post author

      Hi Diana, thanks for your comment. Right now yes, these are only available through Kickstarter, but quite often it’s cheaper than waiting until they are available in online stores, so I’d get in while you have the chance!!

      No, I don’t design decks of playing cards myself… I wish I was so talented!! Maybe some day, but for now I have to leave it to the experts :D


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