** UPDATE – This deck was successfully funded on Kickstarter. Click HERE to purchase **
As the saying goes: “You live and learn.” The first time Ben Jones of Elephant Playing Cards launched Prism: Night onto Kickstarter I knew I wanted to own a deck of these cards. The colour, design, vibrancy, the gloss ink and just the very fact that they were different to anything I had ever seen made them a must-have for my collection. So I pledged for a couple of decks and sat back and watched and waited – counting down to the funding deadline as I’m sure Ben and all the other backers were too.

Prism Night Box and Ace
But the original campaign, after getting off to a flying start – funding reached 25% of the $20,000 goal in just 3 days – slowed down a bit, and in the end Ben decided to cancel the project early after it became clear that his funding total was just too high. He did, however, manage to get the support of 211 backers, raising pledges of $8301, so he knew he was doing SOMETHING right. Ben went back to the drawing board and had a good close look at the campaign. What could the problem have been? It wasn’t the cards themselves – we know that – so what had he overlooked?
This was Ben’s (and Elephant Playing Cards’) first Kickstarter campaign, so he might not have been as knowledgeable as some of the ‘resident’ project creators. After listening to his backers and opening his mind to thoughts and opinions, Ben reevaluated the whole project. He decided to lower the original price of $13 per deck, lower his funding goal, lower shipping costs, and then RELAUNCH the deck!! Excited much???? Heck, yeah!! Click here to be taken to the Kickstarter project page!

Prism: Day Playing Cards
Not only is the Night deck being relaunched, the Day version of the deck is being added as a limited edition stretch goal – this means that if a certain (as yet undisclosed) amount of funding is pledged, then the Prism: Day deck will be an available option to everyone who has backed the Night deck.

Prism Night Aces and Backs
This is what Ben Jones had to say on the Updates section of the original Prism: Night Kickstarter project page:
“During the last few weeks we have been analyzing the project; looking for ways to make it cheaper and more affordable, and I am glad to say that those labors have paid off! Through negotiations with Legends Playing Cards we have been able to drop the price per deck, making it more affordable for everyone! As a result, we will be RELAUNCHING this project soon – Saturday the 20th of June to be exact, with a lower project goal that I am confident that we can meet!
The most common concern about the cards was that they were too expensive per deck – a concern I fully understand. Unfortunately, the reason why there are no other playing card project like this is because adding another layer of special ink across every card face is not cheap. The original project prices included less margin than a ‘regular’ $11 Kickstarter deck, so with the new reduced pricing… well, let’s just say make sure to get them now because you won’t see them this cheap again! These cards are very hard to make work; technically, financially and production wise – so you are guaranteed a very unique product that is unlikely to have anything like it!
Not only have we been able to drop the price of the decks and the overall project funding goal, but we will now be including standard seals to all decks for free! The numbered seals will still be an unlockable stretch goal, but now you get that awesome elephant head on every deck you pledge for!
We still have every confidence in this project and are confident that with our incredible backers and adjusted campaign we will be able to successfully fund Prism: Night playing cards and get them our into the world where they belong! I hope you share my excitement for this unique deck, because the finished product will be awesome!”

Prism Night Pips and Aces
I love how Ben hasn’t let this slight knockback dent his enthusiasm for this project – it is an amazing deck of cards that NEEDS to get out there. As he says, the cost of adding the gloss inks has jolted him a bit – it’s a challenge not even the most ‘celebrated’ playing card designers would wrestle with. But Ben knew how he wanted this deck to look and feel, and even after being faced with having to completely rethink the production of the cards, it was a non-negotiable aspect of the design. He is like an excited puppy about just the gloss ink alone!! And fair play to him – he didn’t want to offer an inferior product to his backers. You have to admire him for sticking to his guns.
I’ve been lucky enough to have had a ‘sneak-peak’ of Ben’s next playing card project ‘Pipmen’, and I can state categorically that this is one playing card designer worth watching. He puts a lot of work into his designs and a lot of thought. He won’t be churning out any old rubbish just to get funding.
Click on this link to be taken straight to the Kickstarter project page and get in on the funding early to avoid disappointment – these will be extremely rare decks for a fantastic price. iCollectPlayingCards just wants to wish Ben Jones of Elephant Playing cards every success – it is much deserved :)

Prism Night Uncut Sheet
What do you think of these cards? Would you love to own a deck? Please feel free to leave any comments or questions in the box below, and please do ‘share’ this post on your social media sites by clicking on any of the buttons below. Thanks :)

I am blown away by the appearance of the cards. They look simply stunning! The design and the vibrant colours definitely grabbed my attention. I personally prefer the Prism: Night playing cards over the Day ones because I feel that it is more unique so most cards in the market has a white background.
Hopefully the second kickstart will be a complete success!
Those cards are stunning! With all the special ink used, I can definitely believe they aren’t cheap to make.
It’s too bad that the original Kickstarter goal wasn’t reached, but it’s good that Ben Jones is trying again, and applying new knowledge to the next attempt. I wish him luck!
This is definitely one of my favourite decks from Kickstarter Samantha. And I’m getting an uncut sheet too!! Can’t wait! Thanks for the comment :)
Ok, I have to mimic your redaction to this night deck. I love the design, the look, the vibrant colors and what seems to be texture in the photos you have pictured here.
the feel is fresh yet also of a psyhcadelic nature; all of which can cover a wide range of ages that would enjoy them. I can see why they had so much interest. Good to see they re-evaluated, dropped their estimates and came back to the board.
I know Debra, I was really disappointed the first time round. But now, with 8 days still left on the funding, Prism: Night has a total of $23,175 in pledges – way over the $15,000 target. I’m really pleased about this because now I know I can get my uncut sheet as well as my decks :) Happy days!!
very original and authentic playing cards exist on this site .These concepts are sui generis in every regard .The designers must possess serious dexterity of the psyche to formulate the aforementioned artwork.
First let me start by saying I love coming back to your site to see new designs covered – each deck you have here is pretty much a work of art in itself!
Before I landed up here about a fortnight ago I had no idea decks stretched this far into quality – they really are a lovely thing to collect ( and display if possible ).
Keep up the good work – love seeing your new posts :)
Keep checking back Chris, because I have some fantastic deck reviews coming in the next week or so :)
Although I’m not a card player, I’m very drawn to the designs and colours. They are very eye catching and well designed.
For a fan of cards and especially collectors these would be a “must have” item I’d imagine.
They would be quite the talking point at get togethers and parties etc. Plus it would encourage people to want to play, we tend to be drawn to pretty, colourful and shiny things :)
Thanks Jay. Yes, these definitely are a talking point type of deck. And I hadn’t thought of that before actually – people who maybe ordinarily would have passed on a game of cards might want to join in because of the colours and texture. Good point :)
Those are pretty different and unusual!
I’ve collected playing cards in the past, but I tend to go for the more antique collectibles out there.
The skill level on these cards is undeniable, but are they primarily for “collecting”? My eyes would find these “Prism Night” cards hard to play with, but the Prisim Day” cards are a little easier.
Fabulous artistry though.
Hi Joanne, fellow collector :) I’d say that these cards would definitely primarily be for collecting – mainly because I wouldn’t want anyone getting their sticky mitts on them and bending them or tearing them :D But yes, I can understand what you’re saying about them maybe being hard to look at after a while. I always say, have your collecting decks and have your playing decks. Sometimes they can cross over, but mostly keep them as separate items. Thanks for your comment.
The Prism Kickstarter looks awesome! I am just now getting into playing cards and the ones you share on your website are always cool.
Thanks Kyle, I think so too :D
Jyl, This is a great looking deck of cards. I would love to have a deck like this but, I might be afraid of playing with them for fear of messing them up but then again they are too beautiful to just leave in a box and not use them.
I am not familiar with kickstarter. Is this like an auction where you can see the bidding unfold?
Hi Forrest, thanks for your comment and your question.
First of all I’d say to you, if you really like these cards they are available as an uncut sheet. Basically that is where the printers takes the entire sheet off the printer and instead of cutting it up to put into a box as a deck, it stays as one sheet – on proper playing card board – for you to frame and put on the wall. Uncut sheets are always very rare (mostly under 100 are available) and they make a fantastic talking point in any home, den or games room.
Second, your question about Kickstarter – I see it as a sort of ‘Dragons Den’ on the internet. Someone has an idea for a song, or a book, or a play or indeed playing cards, and they put up a ‘project page’ stating what they’d like to do and how much money they need to be able to do it. If we like what we see we can ‘pledge’ for one or more of what that person is selling – in this case decks of playing cards. I’ve written a post on it that might explain it better to you. You can click HERE if you’d like to have a read – it covers the basics of what you’d need to know. Thanks for your comment :)
Hi Jyl
your enthusiasm and passion is very infectious
loved reading and learning about the kickstarter project
only this week did i hear about it for the first time from someone else at a meeting and now i read about here in your article…..hmmm
Thanks Kerrie. Yes, I think there are a lot of people who don’t know about Kickstarter and what it does. It’s not just about playing cards either. What I like about it is that designers who ordinarily wouldn’t be able to afford to pay for upfront printing of their decks can put their project on KS and have the money they need within usually a month. Long may it continue! :)
Hi they are a beautiful set of cards I love the colour and how they fan out just lovely
Hi Lorraine. Aren’t they just something else? The vibrant colours on the black background just jump out at you. I do love this deck – it’s my mission to try and help it succeed this time :)
Hey there.
Great site overall. I personally never thought of collection playing cards TBH…Although I am not very much of a collector.
Although this deck looks amazing.And if I were to start a deck collection I would definitely think of getting this as one.
What is your favorite deck that you have so far, and what Is one you wish to acquire ASAP ?
Aw Jessy…. that’s a tough question… I get asked that all the time, and I honestly don’t have a favourite deck. Some of my decks are really intricately designed (like the Requiem deck by Stockholm17) and yet I also really like *some* minimalist decks like the Glassbacks deck. I have a lot of decks that I want to get. And there are loads of new decks on Kickstarter all the time so it’s an exciting time for playing cards :) Thanks for your comment. Sorry I couldn’t be more specific :)
These cards look really cool! Do you know what the new price of the decks will be?
They’re great aren’t they Zachary? I’m not sure of the new price yet, the project will go live in a few hours so I guess we’ll have to wait and see. Though the original price was $13, so I imagine maybe $11….? I know that sounds like a lot for a deck of cards, but these are a pretty special deck – added raised gloss inks, and a limited edition. These will definitely be worth a LOT more in the future… :)
Hi there,
Great article. My children always ask me to play card with them, but the problem is that I don’t have any knowledge in this .
I would love to and this article is awesome for me to start playing. I am going to show this to my children , they will love it.
Thank you for this great blog
Sometimes it just takes a little nudge Daniella, and these cards are definitely a perfect nudge. Can you imagine playing cards with your kids with this deck? Start by just playing Snap or any of the kids games until you get the hang of some other games everyone can join in on. Thank you for your comment :)
Hi Jyl, a very well brought article to promote that deck. I hope this time will be a success. Are they cards meant for playing or just for collecting or both? Cheers, Jerry
Thank you Jerry, I hope so too – this is one deck that really deserves it :) The thing with playing card decks is that it’s totally up to you whether you play with them or just keep them good and collect them. Sometimes, I’ll bring out a fancy deck for a poker night for one or two hands. But often the cards are too beautiful and distract everyone from the purpose of the night – poker. But when I get my ‘Prism’ decks they’ll be for collecting purposes only – no one is getting their sticky mitts on these babies!! :)