In This Together – A Deck to Help Those In Need. Funded on Kickstarter.

In this terrifying and uncertain time, it’s good to know that there are people out there who are not just thinking of themselves, but of what they can do to help their fellow human beings.
Luke Wadey is the designer of many successful playing card decks, already funded on Kickstarter, and this time around he has one thing in his mind – to use his artistic talent to help those affected by the horror that is COVID-19, or Coronavirus. People are dying, loved ones are in isolation, hugs are banned and the whole world is being told to #stayathome. Frontline medical staff are putting their lives at risk to HELP US ALL. Let’s unite and help them to help us.

A much-needed vaccine is being heavily researched, but in the meantime ventilators are being taken from the over 65’s to be given to younger victims who stand a better chance of surviving, and medics are running out of essential supplies such as face masks, gloves, aprons, and visors. Luke has designed this deck to not only raise awareness about this world-wide pandemic that WILL affect each and every single one of us at some stage, but also to raise money to help those fighting this disease on our behalf, and those across the globe who so desperately need financial support after this disease has destroyed their lives.

I am going to stress right here and now that this is NOT a deck mocking those affected, it is NOT a tongue-in-cheek attempt at a bit of sick publicity, nor is it cashing in on the misery of others.
Any comment sent to me suggesting this will be deleted immediately, and promptly forgotten about.
There are bigger issues at stake here.
Every single penny that is raised from this Kickstarter campaign (once the printing costs are taken out, of course) will go to a charity or organisation that is devoted to helping victims of this pandemic. Kickstarter rules forbid Luke from actually stating that he is raising money for charity, but I am able to tell you that the proceeds will be going to various charities, not only here in the UK, but across the globe. This is hitting us all and we are indeed IN THIS TOGETHER. No one is immune, no one is guaranteed an easy time. If world leaders can get it, then any of us can. Please let’s help each other.

It has to be said that this is indeed a strikingly beautiful deck. Luke’s previous designs have been heavily centered around Swiss-influenced typography and this deck is in keeping with that. The darkness of the black tuck box is contrasted by the bright yellow of the back and face cards, signifying the hope that if we all work together we can beat this, and come out the other side better people.

Printed by Cartamuni on slim-line stock with True Linen B9 Finish, with a two-way back design, this deck will be of interest to not only families holed up during lockdown, but also cardists and magicians as well as collectors.
If you would like to help in the fight against COVID-19, and at the same time receive a quality deck of cards designed by one of the world’s top playing card designers, then please head over to the Kickstarter page and pledge for a deck or two.
There, you will also be able to read more on Luke’s reasons for designing this deck, including the fact that he himself was struck down with a mild form of the virus and so has had first-hand experience with the affects of it.

Thank you for taking the time to read this post. It’s not one I’ve enjoyed having to write, but the time for complacency is over.
If you have any comments or questions, please use the box below. And please, please, please STAY AT HOME AND STAY SAFE.

Hello there, the current world situation needs everyone to show concern for each other and do well to stay safe to avoid the spread of the virus more than it is now. There has been a wide level of charity going around the world and the is humanity speaking to us and we all should listen. I very much appreciate this idea of giving to charity which you have stated here and I implore us all to copy such good act.
Wow, this is really thoughtful honestly. I didn’t think that anyone will have a very nice thought to make cards for this kind of time. Truly it is sad because we cannot meet with loved ones and we have to communicate through our phones which is sad. I so not understand though how money will be made with this card.
My question is how do people keep coming up with unique and innovative ways to raise money. This is a fantastic idea and even more so when you think that nearly every houshold in the world will have a deck or two of cards. So it’s functional as well. Add to that, the fact that they are a good looking deck of cards in themselves, makes it a sure thing.
I didn’t hesitate and went straight over to Kickstarter and pledged for a deck. Knowing that the money is going to a global cause, at least goes partway to making me feel as though I am helping in some way, shape or form. Thank you for bringing this to my attention.
Luke do more than a nice job creating this beautiful designed card just to raise money for this pandemic that is gradually taking our beloved PES form us….I pray and hopes the proceeds rise enough to help the less privileged and to also help this the issues caused by this pandemic outbreak around the globe.
Great deck for a great cause! My partner and I were discussing this morning how we feel like this is the first time in our lifetimes that a global event has really impacted our day-to-day lives. Even events like election results, 9/11, and others didn’t feel as significant or as globally impactful as this. Everyday I’m hearing amazing stories of how businesses are creating new offerings and adapting to this uncertainty. And I’m glad to read about this one today. Thanks!
I’ve never been a collector of playing cards, but I do have a small collection of casino chips I picked up over the years. I’m not sure I realized playing cards were such a collector’s item. I think it’s nice that these are being made to raise funds for coronavirus aid. I don’t think it’s cynical, or trying to profit off of a crisis. If making playing cards is what someone already does, why not put that to good use helping others?
Hi, Jyl.
Thanks for sharing your introduction of Luke Wadey’s COVID-19 Playing cards. The cause to publish this addition is very appreciable. We all know that there is worldwide scarcity of essential supplies to fight the deadly virus. I would definitely go to the Kickstarter page for my share of responsibility. Please share if all the members in the deck wear mask in this addition as symbolic presence of COVID-19? Are there precautions and tips published on the cards to spread knowledge ?
Warm Regards,
Gaurav Gaur
Thank you for this amazing and very useful message. Today, there is no one on the Planet earth that is not feeling the effect of COVID-19. Any little contribution that can help to put an end to this Pandemic is very necessary. I just can’t stop praying for all those at the frontline and those that are currently downed with the Virus, however joining this Kickstarter campaign is also very necessary. Regards
Thank you for taking the time to write up this article. Covid-19 is serious and scary. I think this is a fantastic way to offer support that is critically needed, and the cards look great! Do you have any other card decks that directly promote charities similar to this one?
I have to say that this card set covid-19 by Luke Wadey is very catchy. I would love to support just for the good cause. I know that COVID-19 really effects all of us, I live in NYC and I experience it to the fullest. Do I just click on the kickstarter link to get the cards? How many editions are there? This card set will be a perfect to play with my husband. Thank for for letting me know about this card edition :)
I want to really appreciate you for sharing this post. It’s amazing to know that while others are out there trying to exploit others because of the present pandemic popularly known as Covid-19, some persons are still out there will human sympathy seeking for ideas and ways of helping the affected ones. The cards are awesome.
Hi Jyl Thank you very much for bringing this important card deck to the general public. At this important time, we need all the help and joy at the moment. Anything that can raise money for such an important issue should be applauded and I cannot see why you cannot do it with playing cards. At the present moment it would be difficult to play with friends, so I wonder what kind of solitaire games do you recommend from beginners to more advanced players?ThanksAntonio
I think it is awesome how a topic as small as playing cards can relate to or affect the current world crisis. Do you have any other articles based on this “Playing Cards for a Cause” topic? I am sure there have to be other decks out there with a similar root in charity. Very cool when people can help others with their passion!